Small Cap Value

The Frontier Small Cap Value strategy seeks long-term capital appreciation by owning small capitalization stocks identified through fundamental research and considered mis-priced relative to their intrinsic value.

Portfolio Managers          William A. Teichner, CFA, and Rushan (Greg) Jiang, CFA

Inception                           January 1, 1999

Assets                                 $2.5 billion (as of December 31, 2023)

Style                                   Relative Value

Capitalization Range       Within the range of the Russell 2000® (at time of initial purchase for the strategy)

Range of Holdings            Approximately 70-100 stocks

Vehicles Offered               Separate Account (limited availability); Limited Partnership (open)

News                                  Frontier’s Small Cap Value Strategy Celebrates a Quarter Century Milestone

The Frontier Small Cap Value strategy seeks long-term capital appreciation by owning small capitalization stocks identified through fundamental research and considered mis-priced relative to their intrinsic value.

Portfolio Managers
William A. Teichner, CFA, and Rushan (Greg) Jiang, CFA

January 1, 1999

$2.5 billion (as of December 31, 2023)

Relative Value

Capitalization Range
Within the range of the Russell 2000®
(at time of initial purchase for the strategy)

Range of Holdings
Approximately 70-100 stocks

Vehicles Offered
Separate Account (limited availability); Limited Partnership (open)

Frontier’s Small Cap Value Strategy Celebrates a Quarter Century Milestone

Portfolio Managers




Capitalization Range

Range of Holdings

Vehicles Offered

Thomas W. Duncan, Jr. and William A. Teichner, CFA

January 1, 1999

$3.2 billion (as of September 30, 2017)

Relative Value

Within the range of the Russell 2000® (at time of initial purchase for the strategy)

Approximately 70-100 stocks

Separate Account (closed); Limited Partnership (open)